Mixing Animal Prints 101

Is it ok to mix Animal Prints? As a Style Coach I’ve had this question asked time and time again. I want to start with the fact that your style is just that, YOURS. I always encourage my clients to try new things because unless you are open to trying new things you will never fully develop your personal style. With that being said I’m very free with my own personal style but I do like to keep a rule or two in my back pockets. 

Today I’ll be listing a few tips to consider when mixing Animal Prints. 

1. Find a Color and Stick with it.

When mixing neutral Animal Prints this tip is pretty easy to follow. Neutral Animal prints will contain black, white, tan, or brown in any combination or in tonal prints with a singular color. This is why this tip is easy to follow and makes the options when mixing prints limitless. If you pick one of these colors and make sure it is in both pieces you are looking to mix then you are good to go! For my beginners I think this tip is the easiest and best to start with because it makes people feel more comfortable when mixing prints when at least one of  the colors match. It adds cohesiveness and prevents you from feeling like your outfit may look all over the place.

2. Keep it in the Family.

I’m big on mixing any Animal Print together because for me an Animal Print is a neutral that can be mixed and matched but for some this can be a little scary. If this is you then my best advice would be to keep it in the family! For example, mix a larger scale leopard print with a smaller scale leopard print. Another example would be to mix a darker shade cheetah print with a lighter shade cheetah print. The key is to mix the same animal prints together, i.e. keep it in the family! 

3. Incorporate Animal Print Accessories!

Most people forget that when mixing prints it doesn’t have to just be with your clothing. Accessories are key and they can make or break a look. They also help you to not feel so overwhelmed when trying something new like mixing Animal prints together. This way you can get your feet wet until you’re ready to go bold and mix it all up!


As I always say the most important thing is to just have fun with it! If it makes you feel good, go for it. Style is joy and what you wear should make you feel good, happy, and confident. I hope these tips helped. I linked some style inspiration below. Click any picture in this post to shop! These are a few of my most recent Animal Print finds. For more tips and inspiration make sure you follow me on Instagram and Pinterest @thecandiceireland!





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